Competence Centre of Architecture and Architectural Design (CC1)
The Chair of Computer Aided Design and Geo-informatics provides the students with first to fundamental knowledge of computer skills and later to basic application of computers to architectural, construction and urban design scenarios. It focuses on the creation of better architecture, more sustainable designs and livable cities through the help and application of up to date computer applications.
The Chair of CAD and Geo-informatics introduces students to pixel and vector based software such as –AutoCAD,revit architecture.GIS, adobe packages and other computer applications which are basic for conceptualization,deisgnining,drafting,construction,estimating,surveying,presentation and the like. the chair also introduces basic cad and graphics software to the students which will enable them to carry out and present their design works at the university level and for their future endeavor.
Communication skills 2-4 (Architecture and COTM)
GIS courses(URBAN)
Surveying courses (Architecture, COTM)

Students include all Bachelors students (ARCH, URP and COTM) all Post Graduate students and all PHD students.


The Chair of Computer Aided Design and Geo-Informatics helps students understand and manipulate current tools available in the processes of design and presentation. Students are trained to understand, plan, analyze, visualize and present all phenomena in models and illustrations either visually through computer aided media or physically through printouts and different kinds of physical prototypes. They will have a lasting ability to tackle various, geometrical and analysis tasks on the computer or on field efficiently.

Lectures are designed in a way that students know the basic concepts of softwares and the techniques of manipulating them. The theories behind these lectures are furthermore exercised during lab sessions.

Courses range from basic Professional Computer Aided Drafting courses to Building Information Modeling, Surveying, Photogrammetry, Cartography, and Advanced ARCH GIS.


Climate Change and Urban Vulnerability in Africa (CLUVA) 2011/2013 :

Although Africa is considered a continent particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, its real impact, particularly on a local scale, is still poorly understood. Prediction of climate change impacts in Africa in the 21st Century are in fact based on Global Circulation models with low resolution and a very broad scale which fail to represent two potentially important drivers of African climate variability, namely the El Niño/Southern Oscillation and land cover change. The task of developing reliable predictions of future climate change in Africa is further complicated by the lack of accurate baseline data on current climate and by the intricacies of climate space and time variations.

The EiABC has partnered with 12 other Institutes (African and European) to develp innovative climate change risk adaptation strategies based on strong interdisciplinary components, With case cities being Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), Dar Es Salam (Tanzania), Douala (Cameroon), Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) and Saint Louis (Senegal)

The Chair of CAD & Geo-Informatics has been part of this research project supporting the program in mapping the Urban Morphology Type (UMT) of Addis Ababa (2006 & 2011). The Chair was also involved in the scenario development process for identifying flood vulnerability areas.

More information about CLUVA could be found on the website :

Ethio Plug-in 2012/2014: 

EiABC and many other local institutes for design, construction and engineering encourage Ethiopian designers and builders to consider Ethiopian (local) building construction techniques and designs in their works.

In pursuit of this quest the Chair of CAD & Geo-Informatics believes it is mandatory to find a proper ground for  professionals and students in having easy access to a software plug-in  that provides local ‘Ethiopian’ house design types, textures, patterns, furniture and utensils design, indigenous plantation/ trees, existing famous buildings and local design/construction techniques. These are customized software libraries which are beneficial to students because it will build their knowledge of local building techniques and materials while they are experimenting different design options on their computers.  
The research also intends to parameterize the traditional architectural details, construction techniques, furniture and utensils, documents them and exposes them to the intended plug-in. Components are parameterized so that users can have the already transformed details accomplished by local and international architects, artists and engineers.

More information about the plug-in could be found on the following page:

Services and consultancy: 

The chair team consists of professionals with experience in  mapping, visualizing, design, construction and fabrication of the built environment. The chair has so far given training to several governmental institutions in the use of basic and Advanced ARCH GIS softwares. It has also consulted various other institutions in preparing modules to teach in the realm of Computer Aided Design and mapping of various neighborhoods and cities. Services and Consultancies provided include:

  • Training and upgrading of skills (in software and tooling) to different companies related to Architecture, Building Construction and Urban planning. Software trainings include:BIM (Revit Architecture, Revit Electrical, Revit Structural), Rhinocerous 3D along with plug-ins like grasshopper , Basic & Advanced ARCH GIS ,Global Mapper & Surfer.
  • Consultations to different companies in mapping, analyzing , designing and visualizing data based on specific needs and interest presented by the client.
  • Consultations to predicting future situations based on projections on infrastructure, population, environment, etc based on current given data. 


eframgmEphrem Gebremariam [PHD]

Chair holder

Mobile  +251(0)93003-48-79
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Melat Assefa1Melat Assefa [MAA]

Lecturer / architect

Mobile   +251(0)911 63-67-12

e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.      

ahmed new1Ahmed Amdihun [MSC]


Mobile  +251(0)911 48-47-21

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alemu0Alemu Nebebe [MSC]

Mobile  +251(0)911 89-70-58
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ayele newAyele bedada [BSC]

Assistant Lecturer
Mobile  +251(0)942 33-80-61
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belete0Belete Birhanu [BSC]

Assistant Lecturer
Mobile  +251(0)911 15-38-23
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henok CADHenock Bayeh [BSC]

Assistant Lecturer

Mobile  +251(0)911 33-58-03

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mengist0Mengist Berhanu [BSC]

Assistant Lecturer
Mobile  +251(0)911 05-21-68
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Yehenew Hailu [BSC]

Assistant Lecturer
Mobile   +251(0)911 12-60-19
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Addis Yohannes newAddis Yohannes [BSC]

Assistant Lecturer

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Location / address      

CAAD Chair location new

EiABC at the Addis Ababa University

South Campus – Lideta

P.O. Box 518

Addis Ababa – Ethiopia

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