Materials Research and Testing Center (MRTC)

The Materials Research and Testing Center (MRTC) is one of EiABC’s core units. MRTC participates in the advancement of technical education, renders investigative / test services to the whole of the infrastructure sectors on construction materials and foundation soils. The main focus being assuring sustainable, safe, economical and eco-friendly materials.

Context & Objectives

The Materials Research and Testing Center (MRTC) is highly dedicated to quality technical education, excellent testing and consultation services excelling customers expectations with affordable prices. This can be achieved by the newly commissioned professionally committed, well-educated and highly experienced management team along with the recently availed high-tech Construction Materials and Soils laboratory and field investigation equipments.

MRTC Profile

The restructured Materials Research and Testing Center (MRTC) serves the nation already well over fifty five years in teaching, research and testing of building materials and soils. Its main mission was and still is to be center of excellence in this part of Africa by conducting advanced building materials and soils research as well as providing specialized tests. Moreover, in its commitment to higher education, MRTC assists the technical human resource development of the country in educating highly competent: architects, engineers, urban designers and planners and construction technologists in close cooperation with the Chair of Construction Materials and Geo-Techniques at EiABC.

MRTC Services

The two sections of the Materials Research and Testing Center (MRTC): Construction Materials Section (CMS) and Foundation Soils Section (FSS) do provide the valuable investigative and test services to the construction industry.


1: Construction Materials Section (CMS)

This section renders both the destructive and non-destructive tests to its customers. The non-exhaustive range of investigation and test services are on: cement, sand, crushed and non-crushed aggregates, concrete, fired bricks, concrete pipes, etc. For all investigation and test results the Materials Research and Testing Center (MRTC) issues valued result certificates.


2: Foundation Soils Section (FSS)

The Foundation Soils Section (FSS) avails field and laboratory investigation and test services for the whole range of engineering properties of soils. The non-exhaustive ranges of services being provided are: Sieve and hydrometer analysis, liquid and plastic limits, permeability, direct and indirect shear, free-swell, swelling pressure, field density, etc. For all investigation and test results the Materials Research and Testing Center (MRTC) issues valued result certificates.



Materials Research and Testing Center (MRTC)

Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development (EiABC)

P. O. Box 518, Addis Ababa

Phone: +251 (0) 112 767 602

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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