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Bachelor Program in Construction Technology and Management

Context, Objectives, and Purposes

A construction project in present times is becoming a complex and risk-laden venture. It involves the expenditure of a large sum of capital as well as the application of technologies of which many are aware, some are conversant, but few are expert. Construction management evolved from construction site management as a professional practice distinct from design in response to these increasing complexities in the construction industry. This development was observed in the early 1960’s in the USA and in the 1980’s in Europe. Highly sophisticated construction systems led to the specialization of both design and construction professionals. Additionally, increasing regulatory mandates, litigation and other risks created a need for a new professional to be an advocate for the owner and bridge the gap between the owner, the designers and the contractor in order to efficiently manage the construction process.

Construction management began as a further specialization of other professions such as architecture and civil engineering, but presently, with the increasing complexity and versatility of construction projects, it has become useful to begin education in construction management at an earlier stage.

One of the transformations in the construction process has been the introduction of better methods of procurement that could be considered as a remedy for the problems of the old Design-bid-build method. This method has been criticized for its fragmented, bureaucratic and adversarial nature. New approaches such as Design-Build (Turn Key), Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT), Finance-Build-Operate-Transfer (FBOT), have been introduced to streamline the construction process and make it more efficient by avoiding bureaucratic and corruptive involvements. However such complex process has necessitated a separate body to manage the whole process from the project inception to completion by advocating the interest of the client.

The Profession

Construction Management in the Ethiopian context is a new profession. Up till recent years, there has been no professional training in construction management in Ethiopia. Thus the management of construction sites has been covered by different generalist professionals such as civil engineers, architects, advanced diploma graduates of building engineering, site foramen etc. Though there is a significant increase both in volume and complexity of work seen in the construction sector in Ethiopia, several studies in the present state of the sector show that more than 80% of the constructions are delayed, run over budget and/or are marred with claims and continuous and bitter disputes. Further more, the industry is still slow as it largely relays upon labor intensive on site activities, which lack plant manufactured and site assembled construction. The deteriorating quality of construction works is also clearly apparent. As a result international construction companies who possess extensive experience in managing complex constructions are taking over most major construction in the country leaving our local contractors out of the competition. As a result of this the country demands transformation in the construction sector. Such transformations require considerable equipment and plant management specialty. Thus construction management professionals in substantial numbers are highly necessary.  The construction technology and management B.Sc. program at EiABC is primarily targeted at addressing this national need.


The B.Sc. degree program in Construction Technology and Management has the following specific objectives:

  1. Through the development of practice oriented education and research, to produce well-qualified professionals in the fields of construction technology and management.
  2. Promote a strong sense of ethics and professionalism in the construction sector
  3. Conduct research in the field.
  4. Provide former graduates in related fields who are involved in the construction industry a chance to develop their skill and competences.

Facts and Figures: 

Length of Study Program: 5 Years

Degree: B.Sc. in Construction Technology and Management

Mandatory Internship: 1 Semester

Current number of enrolments: ~ 850


Program courses  (MSC)


`post graduate 


Admission Requirements

All BSC. – Assigned by MoE



All MSC. – Registration at AAU + Exam at EiABC



Number of programs (Undergraduate & Graduate)

EiABC offers the following undergraduate and graduate programs:


  B.Sc. M.Sc.   PhD



B.Sc. Architecture


M.Sc. Advanced Architectural Design


Urban and Regional Planning

“Built Environment”

M.Sc. Conservation of Urban & Architectural Heritage

M.Sc. Housing & Sustainable Development

M.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Design

M.Sc. Urban Design and Development

M.Sc. Architectural Engineering 09/2016



Urban & Regional Planning 


M.Sc. Environmental Planning

M.Sc. in Urban & Regional Planning


M.Sc. in Transport Planning


2  M.Sc. in Real Estate Development


3  M.Sc. in Land and Property Valuation

4  M.Sc. Geoinformatics






Construction Technology & Management


M.Sc. Construction Management


M.Sc. Building Materials & Geo Techniques


M.Sc. Facility Management









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