Competence Centre of City Development, Housing, and Urban Design (CC4)



The chair ofurban sociology offers an extensive sociological exposures and knowledge to students who pursue various disciplines. The chair augments professional responsibility and creates an environment where learning sociology is a life style and experience for students. The primary concern is to equip the students with sociological imaginations that often encourage for raising social questions. Hence, social life remains full of questions and enquiries. More importantly, the chair renovate basic understanding of social research methods to students in various specialization courses including: architect, building, construction, housing, design and environment. It simply provides with sociological imaginations-that develops an ability to think critically and scientifically on complex social issues and come out with sociological solutions thereby adding caliber of understanding a complex social situations that crop-up across their lives. Therefore, the chair of Urban Sociology offers both introductory as well as advanced sociological courses.


Concepts and scope of sociology
Society and its structure
Social groups, community and society
Social interaction and social structure
Social institutions
Social stratification
Social change culture and civilization
Social control and its agencies
Sociology and technological change
Technology assessment and transfer
Tools of sociological research
Global stratification
Introduction to urban sociology
The Sociology of city
Chicago school of urban sociology
Theories of research agenda for urban sociology
Historical development of the cities
Urbanization of the world
Community and neighborhood studies
Network in social space and path through physical space
Human Ecology that describe and characterize patternof land use


The Chair of urban sociology aspires to research on the impacts of globalization on city life and conflicts that emanate from resource use and abuse have become the principal research interest.

current research activities:

Climatic change in Addis Ababa

Climatic change is often associated with erratic rain fall, flooding, land slide, global worming that affects both health and economic status of the society.Hence, climatic change has become a potential threat to the poorer sectors of urban society in Africa. The intended research is to map out the society vulnerable group and identify the social and economic dimension and magnitude of the vulnerable social groups in Addis Ababa. The study is an integral part of the physical and ecological combination.

Urban Sprawl

Aa major threat on the livelihood of urban fringes and social values.Urban areas are characterized by urban sprawl that affects the traditional society in economic, social and cultural values. As urbanization continue to stretch out ward the expectation of fringe society falls in the prisoner's dilemma. Eviction, Invasion and succession gave become observable phenomenon's that require closer investigation.

IMG 0202Bosena Yirga(PhD)
 Assistant Professor( Chair holder )
 Mob: 2510912047419
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sisay D.Sisay Deriba
Nardos Sileshi 



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