Competence Centre of Architecture and Architectural Design (CC1)
Visual Arts: Theory and principles of composition, elements of compositions, drawing, sketching, painting, sculpture and any other media of expression. The implication of arts and crafts in Ethiopian urban life and the culture of visual arts in the urban field.
Graphic communications: Technical drawings, two and three dimensional architectural representations and expressions, graphic languages in architectural as well as urban projects, Medias of communications.
- Communication Skills I – IV (Architecture)
- Communication Skills I & II (Urban & Regional Planning)
- Engineering Graphics I & II (COTM)
Research activities are conducting in the following areas. The implication of arts and crafts in Ethiopian urban life. Architectural spaces, public spaces and visual arts, Art media and urban culture in Ethiopia.
current research activities:
- Publication of teaching material on COMMUNICATION SKILLS I
Services and consultancy
Services are rendered in the fields of arts and crafts such as Urban Arts, Presentation of Urban and Architectural Projects, Model construction projects, Large scale Model construction of cities.
Alemu Nebebe
Lecturer /Char holder
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Muluken Debebe [BSc]
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Dereje kebede [BSc]
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South Campus – Lideta
P.O. Box 518
Addis Ababa – Ethiopia