Competence Centre of Theory, History and Conservation of Cultural and Arch. Heritage (CC6)



The chair is engaged in teaching courses on architectural conservation (conservation and restoration, adaptive reuse, rehabilitation of historic areas, historic preservation, reconstruction and renovation) at different levels of both undergraduate (Architecture, Urban Planning students) and post-graduate programs (Master of Science in Advanced Architecture and Master of Science in Cultural Heritage in Architecture and Development).Besides, it gives theory and history related courses to students of the same program.The aim of giving such courses is so that to create awareness among professional architects, planners and urban designers towards architectural heritages (the manifestations of the historical developments upon which we build and on which we draw in order to shape our future).Having attending the courses offered by the chair, students will acquire significant theoretical knowledge in architectural conservation.They will also have the the opportunity in practical field works where they can apply the knowledge they have gained in class.

BSc courses:

  • Planning and conservation of older urban forms/elements
  • Landscape conservation
  • Conservation and Restoration
  • Rehabilitation of historic areas
  • Historic Preservation

MSc courses:

  • History of Architecture and Cultural Heritage in Ethiopia
  • Theory of Heritage
  • History of Architectural Heritage in Ethiopia
  • Techniques of Building Conservation
  • Design and Design Strategies for Heritage Buildings
  • Building Conservation
  • Archaeology and Heritage


Being established recently, the Chair is to be categorized among the youngest in the Institute. As to the number of teaching staff, it has currently three staffs including the chair holder. However, in addition to teaching, it is  engaged on research that is related to conservation, history of Architecture, urban design and development

current research activities:

Architectural Outputs of Ethiopian History

This research in collaboration with the chair of theory and history, and conducted with broad participation of the students of Architecture, aims at expanding information on known historical buildings and spaces in Ethiopia and producing information on others that are less known or unknown but are historically relevant.

Architectural Heritages of Addis Ababa

This research aims in creating awareness among the owners and residents of the houses so that to keep them as their own valuable properties; to let Architects, Artists and Craftsmen participate in developing our own style of architecture instead of following the western style which has its own defects in implementing out of the context; to see how much in time these heritages are transformed. Meaning, the level of deterioration of the houses as compared to their earlier time and off course to suggest possible recommendations for the proper conservation of the houses.

Services and consultancy

Parallel to teaching, research, and publication; the chair’s potential will be used to provide consultancy and other relevant services, to the country, private sector and the community particularly, in the conservation of the numerous heritages the country has.This include, but not limited to Preparation of site surveys, conservation proposals and tender documents for the numerous heritage sites in the country and follow up in the proper implementation of the projects. Assessment and evaluation of the physical condition of heritage buildings and sites including preparation of conservation proposals.


Fasil GiorghisFasil Giorghis [Asso. Prof]

Chair Holder ,Lecturer/ architect

Mobile    +251(0)911 20-05-91

E-mail     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tadesse GirmayTadesse Girmay [MA]


Mobile    +251(0)911 72-85-45

E-mail     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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Biniam Gebru 




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Rahel Worku





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Yohannes Mekonnen





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