
Entrepreneurship is a human creative act, involved building a team of people with complementary skills and talents. The entrepreneur is often the source of innovation, providing the market place with new and improved products and services. Hence, turning out students who would become successful entrepreneur by starting and growing businesses is one of the main objectives of EiABC. This in turn contributes to the overall growth and welfare of the economy.

This interdisciplinary subject matter is organized under a chair system in EiABC with the aim to introduce students of the institute with the concept of sustainable entrepreneurship. A manageable set of values and processes that will be useful for the future career of students across spectrum of work settings. The chair of entrepreneurship is tasked with implanting entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviors within EiABC students and staff that will later on would lead to creative solution within community and organizational environments.


Research activities will be undertaken in areas of innovation, self-employment, employment opportunities, perception and attitudes towards self employment, opportunities and challenges of Small businesses and related areas as need arises and the chair's door is open to work with any interested researchers and organizations.

Proposed Research Activities for 2013/14 academic year:

- Self-employment Attitude of Ethiopian University Students and

Services and consultancy

Chair of entrepreneurship provides Consultancy and training services in the field of Entrepreneurship and Small Business development based on the demands of the market and the community.

Proposed training Topics for 2013/14 Academic year

- Training on Entrepreneurship Capacity Development

- Training on Service Delivery and Customer Handling for Administrative staffs of Addis Ababa University


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