Competence Centre of City Development, Housing and Urban Planning (CC4)




The chair of Urban & Regional Planning is engaged in teaching and learning process of the graduate & undergraduate programs offered in the EiABC, Addis Ababa University.


URP192 _ Introduction to Urban and Regional PlanningURP 231_ Introduction to elements of Urban Land use IURP 291_ Principles of Urban and Regional PlanningURP 3272 _ Project VI Land Use Planning for Small TownURP 32 _ Infrastructure (a)URP 517 _ Stakeholder Participation in City Planning 1URP 517 _ Stakeholder Participation in City Planning 2URP 540 _ Urban and Regional Development strategiesURP 342 _ Mixed Land use PlanningURP 3112 _ Introduction to Urban Transportation PlanningURP 4282 _ Project VI - Extension of an Existing City PlaURP 4602 _ Project VII - with GIS New City PlanningURP 561 _ Design of Urban and Regional NodesBSc Dissertation Thesis

current research activities:

CLUVA project

Urban and Regional Planning Chair is currently engaged in "Climate Change and Urban Vulnerability in Africa" It is a research project conducted in partnership with European Union and other African countries. More specifically the Chair is involved in "Improving the Resilience of the Urban Systems Towards Climate Change - The Case of Addis Ababa". This research is expected to assess innovation in climate change adaptation, as well as, identify the risks and vulnerability to climate change. The outcome of this research will help develop innovative land use and governance strategies towards improving capacity to climate change in Addis Ababa.

Research/Consultancy Services

Very recently, as a lead Chair of the EiABC, Urban & Regional Planning Chair conducted and submitted a research project – "Evaluation of Implementation of Addis Ababa 2003-2010 City Development Pan". The client of the research project was the Addis Ababa City Government, The senior staff members of the chair were engaged as team leader of the different plan components, and the whole research project was coordinated and supervised by Dr. Fisseha Wegayehu. As a general objective the research project had two objectives. The first one was the evaluation of implementation of the structure plan of Addis Ababa City, and the second one was, to draw recommendations based on the evaluation result. On the other hand, the research project had specific objectives too. Some of them were the assessment of the development impact/outcomes; assessment of implementation processes and procedures; assessment of the role of major stakeholders in planning process & development; and finally, to come up with the conclusions and workable recommendations for future planning endeavours.

The thematic scope of the research was to look into the structural plan of Addis Ababa city and all its components, as well as, to look into selected Local Development Plans. Whereas, the spatial scope of the research was limited to the Addis Ababa City legal boundaries.The evaluation was undertaken and organized into eleven thematic issues as per the structure plan components of the City Development Plan. More than thirty professionals with multidiscipline academic backgrounds from different chairs of the EiABC, as well as, external professionals, participated in the research project. Furthermore, more than sixteen students of the graduate programs of EiABC were involved, in data gathering and map production, for the research project.In a way that was appropriate, the evaluation was conducted a detailed investigation on the planning approach and status of implementation of the different components. The output of the research was a compiled document on each of the planning components: Historical Sites & Structures; Manufacturing Industries & Storage Facilities; Centrality; Housing; Strategic Investment Area; Urban Transport; Road Network; Environment ; Market Hierarchy; Local Development Plan ; Health Service ; Education Sector;  Municipal Service; Role of Addis Ababa in the National and International Context. Furthermore, an executive summary document on the findings and recommendations for future planning endeavours was additional output of the research. Needless to say, it was one of the major consultancy tasks that based its findings and recommendations on a research.


dr brhanu woldesenbateBerhanu  Woldetensa [Asso.Prof]

Chair holder 

Mobile    +251(0)911 40-48-83

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Dr.Brehanu GirmaDr.Brehanu Girma[Asso.Prof]


Mobile    +251(0)911 90-28-

e-mail    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Dandena TufaDandena Tufa 


Mobile    +251(0)911 60-02-69

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Liku WorkalemahuLiku Workalemahu [Asst.Prof]


Mobile    +251(0)911 60-02-69

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 Tsion Lemma


Mobile 0911348869

 e-mail  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


empty imagemale Nura Mohammedata 


Mobile 0913283573

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 Degualem Mekuriaw empty imagemale


 MObile 0910938767

Email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


 empty imagemaleAsefaw Mohammed[ Asst.Prof]

Assistant Professor

Mobile 0911879707 

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Fraol Abdi 






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