staffmeetOn October 15, 2015 the first academic staff induction program of 2008 E.C was held in EiABC. The program was initiated by the Quality Assurance and Reform office and offered by Dr. AbebawYirga, Director of Quality Assurance and Reform Office, and Mr. Hamde Ibrahim, head of the Scientific Director Office. Four new graduate assistants attended the induction.

Induction is part of the professional development process at EIABC and it is undertaken by all new academic staff.  For the purposes of the induction program, new teachers are defined as all new teachers who have no teaching experience in higher education institutions and have been hired into full-time in EIABC.  The induction program for new teachers is designed with the purpose of proving orientation and professional development.  Specifically, the purpose of the induction program is to provide: 

-     Orientation about the working environment (E.g. administrative structures and procedures)

-     A sound understanding of the expectations of the profession; 

-     A sound understanding of the expectations of the institute;

-     Opportunities for reflection and feedback in a mutually supportive relationship; and

-     Empathetic moral support. 

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