The Chair of Urban and Regional planning would like to share the information that the proposed M.Sc. Program in ‘Urban Planning’ has been approved by the Senate of the Addis Ababa University. The preparation of the curriculum passed through a number of stages including a series of discussions and consultations within the chair and with other chairs of the Institute, a consultative workshop with main stakeholders who have a vested interest on the program, assessment of the program by internal, external and international reviewers, approval by the council of the EiABC, final presentation to the Addis Ababa University Quality Standards and Curriculum Review Committee chaired by the Vice President of the Addis Ababa University and final approval by the AAU Senate. This final version of the curriculum of the MSc. Program in Urban Planning is the cumulative outcome of the different stages that the program development process went through. The new program will contribute to the strategic plan of the EiABC and will open up new opportunities. The Chair is grateful to the EiABC community, members and the Curriculum Committee of the Chair who have all worked hard for the last two years to reach at this stage.