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The Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) Rethink the City. New Approaches to Global and Local Urban Challenges, is a free online course taught by the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of Delft University of Technology. The course starts on May, 2nd, 2018.

In the Rethink the City MOOC you will learn about today's urban challenges focusing on the Global South. We will debate on three different topics, going beyond traditional urban strategies and policies: spatial justice, housing provision and management, and urban resilience. Additionally, we also have a special module to discuss the three topics in relation to the urban challenges of the African continent. We have the privilege to count with the contribution of scholars and practitioner from different African countries.

Through a combination of short theoretical lessons, presentation of case studies, testimonies from practitioners and practical assignments you will also learn how to develop a critical perspective about your own urban environment and how to translate this knowledge into analytical tools and innovative urban solutions.

Additionally, we have the Rethink the City Prize: we will select 2 participants to come and join our Summer School 2018 here in Delft (more info)!

You can register for free in the course here: https://www.edx.org/…/rethink-city-new-approaches-global-lo…
We are looking forward to rethinking our cities with you!. Follow as in our Facebook Page @Rethink the City

Promotional Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAPnIWs1XkA&authuser=0


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