On Saturday February 14, 2015, EiABC celebrated the Graduation of around 80 Students of the Bachelor Program Architecture on the Institutes Campus.

It was the fourth commencement ceremony held on EiABC Campus.

Master of Ceremony Bisrat Kifle, introduced the speaker and led through the program.

After a welcome speech by Managing Director Dr. Beatrice Delpouve, EiABC Scientific Director Joachim Dieter addressed the graduates, before Guest of Honour Dr. Bekele Abebe, Head University Registrar of the Addis Ababa University, congratulated the graduating class.

5After handing over the degrees through the former Director of Undergraduate Programs Darik Zebenigus, Associate Registrar Meseret Seifu and the Institutes Scientific Director Joachim Dieter, Guest of Honor Dr. Bekele Abebe had the pleasure to hand over Certificates of Distinction.

Ato Wendwosen Demrew, President of the Association of Ethiopian Architects, congratulated the graduating class with a commencement speech.
EiABC academic and administrative staff would like to congratulate all Graduates for their success, and wishes you all the very best for the future.
We hope you, the students and their families, enjoyed your graduation day and that you keep many happy memories of your time at EiABC.

We are confident that, we actively contribute to fulfil the demands of the national economy, as well as to the Ethiopian visions of development, written down in the Growth- and Transformation Plan.

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