
EiABC hosted the fifth annual environmental day on April 24th, 2015. This annual event is held with the goal of raising awareness about the issues on environment amongst the EiABC community.

This event started with a commemoration prayer for Ethiopians citizens who lost their lives in Libya and South Africa due to violent acts, it then continued with an opening speech from the Scientific Director Joachim Dieter and the Managing Director Béatrice Delpouve.

 The rest of the event entailed a tree planting ceremony, presentation from the LOCAL Agenda 21 by the steering committee, question and answer regarding environmental issues, an award ceremony for the dedicated and most performing attendees on the event and lastly a candle light ceremony for all of our citizens that lost their lives in acts of violence.

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It was an open invitation for all of EiABC community and most staff and students attended the event.We would like to extend our gratitude to Asia Pulp and Paper Group for funding this event and making it reality. For more information please take a look at their website:



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