In a spirit of educational enrichment On December 9 2023 , Elevate Ethiopia, a prominent 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to empowering communities in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, recently facilitated a transformative visit for 15 middle school students. The journey took these young minds to the Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction, and City Development (EiABC) at Addis Ababa University (AAU), marking a significant chapter in their educational journey.
The visit to EiABC-AAU provided the 15 middle school students with a unique opportunity to explore the world of architecture, building construction, and city development. As a leading institution in the field, EiABC-AAU stands as a beacon of excellence, offering valuable insights and inspiration for aspiring minds in the realm of design and construction.
During their visit, the students engaged in guided tours, interactive sessions, and hands-on activities at EiABC-AAU. The goal was to ignite their curiosity, fuel their passion for learning, and expose them to the possibilities within the architectural and construction disciplines. The experience aimed to broaden their horizons and encourage them to consider diverse career paths.


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On Monday September 18, the Interim President of AAU made the first visit to  Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building construction  and City Development (EiABC), accompanied by a delegation of faculty members and administrators. During the visit, they toured the campus grounds and engaged in productive discussions with the faculty and staff of EiABC.

interim president visit in Eiabc 









As part of the Integrated Urban Mobility (INUMO) project, the student research trip project the student research trip to Bishoftu brought together a group of enthusiastic students from Bauhaus University Weimar and the Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development (EiABC). With a common goal of exploring the research framework of Integrated Urban Mobility (INUMO), the students embarked on a transformative journey. Bishoftu, a vibrant city in Ethiopia, provided the perfect setting for this collaborative endeavor. Over the course of the trip, the students engaged in immersive fieldwork, observing and analyzing the urban mobility challenges faced by the local community. Through interviews, surveys, and data collection, they sought to understand the existing transportation infrastructure, identify key bottlenecks, and propose innovative solutions to enhance the overall mobility experience. This intercultural exchange not only broadened the students' perspectives but also fostered meaningful connections between different academic institutions and communities. Together, they envisioned a future where integrated urban mobility systems could enhance accessibility, sustainability, and quality of life for residents of Bishoftu and beyond.

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 csm Logo
Host and Participating Institutions
Host: Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction & City Development (EIABC), Addis
Ababa University, Addis Ababa
Leading partner: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Business Partner: DAAD, GiZ, Ethiopian Contractors Association
Key Participants (Ministry of Construction & Infrastructure, Construction Management Institute,
Ethiopian Road Administration, Ethiopian Construction Works Corporation, Ethiopian Association of
Civil Engineers, Ethiopian Construction Technology & Management Professionals, EBIMS )
Date and Venue
Feb 26- Mar 2, 2024
Ghion Hotel
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Objectives of the Conference
The purpose of this joint conference is to convene stakeholders from the construction industry, the
public sector, academia, and civil society to join forces in exploring how the prospects of the built
environment can be shaped for sustainable and flourishing urban transition in Ethiopia. The
conference is expected to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, collaboration, and planning for
action as well as produce specific recommendations and action plans as output from this conference.
The conference particularly focuses on fostering knowledge sharing and collaboration;
demonstrating the interlink between urban infrastructure, sustainability and climate change; identify
key challenges and opportunities in building resilient infrastructure; through research, showcases
and discussion of policy frameworks, financing mechanisms, and governance structure. The
conference will bring together experienced engineers, operational managers and university teachers
from Ethiopia with up-to-date researchers from Europe. Latest research developments will be
matched with the challenges of the Ethiopian market situation.
Enhanced understanding of resilient infrastructure concepts, challenges, and opportunities;
dissemination of best practices, innovative technologies, and successful case studies; policy
recommendations and frameworks for resilient infrastructure development; strengthened
collaboration and partnerships among stakeholders; and creation of a platform for ongoing
knowledge exchange and future research collaborations are anticipated outcomes of the conference.
Topics of the Conference:
  •  Resilient Infrastructure Planning and Design
  •  Smart Infrastructure and Digitization for Enhanced Resilience
  •  Infrastructure Management
  •  Project Delivery Methods for Resilient Infrastructure Investment
  •  Opening with 2 joint conference days
  •  3 days seminars and workshop on specific topics
  •  Academia meets industry, joint field trips
  •  Engineering fair and market show, meet with students
  •  Cultural tours and international networking

Click here to download conference schedule

For further information Visit this website 

Building a Resilient Infrastructure Towards Sustainable Urban Transition 






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Starting from tomorrow May 13,2023, EiABC will have a public exhibition of architectural design  computations of Birhan Bank. All 16 entries will be displayed in the newly renovated Swedish Pavilion at EiABC. The exhibition will be open to the public, and all of you are invited.


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